new d-slr

23 Mar 2006
i have read a little on the forum about d-slr i am looking to buy a package as a present and this below seems to be about my limit £700. I may not need to spend this much, this is one of my first searches i'll admit, but it looks good to the untrained eye, hence my call to you guys
Does this look good or are there lots of differing views on which make to take, i see that a lot of you favour nikon. my gf has done some slr work with 35mm film, i am thinking of getting her a course which someone recommended. would this camera be too much for her, i look forward to some constructive advice guys and girls, thanks in advance, i have 2 weeks to think about and buy for beginning of august.

Olympus E-500 PRO PACKAGE (with 2 x lenses & loads of extras)+ FREE 30 Months Warranty
Other products by Olympus
RRP: £899.99
Our Price: £699.99 (including VAT)
Check out our special bundle deals for this product below the product pictures.


Olympus 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Zuiko Digital Lens
Olympus 40-150mm f/3.5-4.5 Zuiko Digital Lens
Olympus Lithium Ion Charger & Battery Set RRP £129.99 (not included in Dixons camera package)
2x 1GB Sandisk Ultra II Compact Flash Card RRP - £99.99
Olympus E-System Kit Case - RRP £59.99
Spare Lithium Ion Battery - RRP £34.99
30 Months Year Olympus UK Warranty
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you say your gf has done film work before what camera was she using, as she could problably use her lens on the new camera if you got one of the same make.
so you dont have to use specific digital lenses for dslr then?
however, are there any comments about the above package, I have found some more from the same online retailer who specialises in camera equipment. as always i am trying to get as much for my money as possible.
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Probably worth editing out the reference to the competitor; much more veiled references have been censored in the past..............
do ocuk sell dslr, i cant find any.ooops they were not there the other day im sure. ok! :)
still no advice re buying a camera though :confused:
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Like the shop you refer to, they sell other digital cameras, memory cards and printers and the shop is therefore a competitor.
Mr Mag00 said:
however, are there any comments about the above package

You have to remember that buying an SLR is different to buying a compact camera, with an SLR you're buying into a system not just purchasing a single item. The Olympus 4/3 lens mount is a brand new mount trying to compete against the established manufacturers. Sigma have started a range of lenses to fit but due to the nature of the system these are new lenses rather than they're normal range of 35mm lenses which all come in 4 different mounts.

What I'm trying to get to is before you splash the cash you need to be sure that either you've bought everything you'll ever want for the camera or that the bits you haven't bought (flash, other lenses etc) will still be available at a sensible price when you come to want to buy them.
Thank you Rpstewart that's the sort of advice i need, i have a 35mm slr but i did not know about the new mounting system.
It is not a major hobby but we do like to take good photos when we do. so we wont be adding lots of new equipment over the years i would not have thought, so perhaps the d50 with the built in flash, as an example would be a better option.
Mr Mag00, I'm in the same position. I like taking nice photos, want to replace my 32mm slr and the two lense I have for that. But its not going to be a major hobby for me. I decided I'll just get two lenses and pick the camera of which I like the sample photos I find on the web and other places.
I think the Olympus, Pentax and Minolta, etc. digital systems are a notch below what Canon and Nikon offer for a similar price (or even lower).

The lens ranges seem more limited and they only have a cheaper body to buy, as opposed to Canon and Nikon which have entry models but also more advanced bodies to progress into if you really get into your photography.

They are also more likely to sell out to another brand or disappear from the digital market in the future as they are smaller players. I really feel these systems are only a better choice for people who have already invested a large amount on lenses that will only fit those mounts, but for a relatively fresh start it's Canon or Nikon I'd look at.

You cant go wrong with any of their entry models, just get the best one you can afford. In my case I chose Canon because their lens line-up offered what I was looking for, for less, but I'm sure I'd be happy with Nikon too.
Minolta make a good DSLR called the Dynax 7D which is based on one of the best film bodies to come out in the past 10 years. It also includes image stabalisation in the body which means that ALL lenses have image stabilisation capability. With Canon you have to pay a premium for such lenses.
Yes, and don't forget the new Sony DSLRs sare based on this (they took over Konica Minolta cameras) and Pentax is bringing out a high end dslr later in the year( K1000D) to complement their recent budget K110 + K100D cameras.

The market should be getting quite interesting towards the end of the year, and I was considering a 350D or a D50, but I'm holding on for now, as I already have a K1000 with a couple of lenses
just my thoughts but I'd stick to canon or nikon really, more choice and you can get the lenses you really need. It seems a good package but i'd stick with one of the two big brands myself.
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