New DC Project - theSkynet

19 Oct 2002
New DC Project launched called theSkynet, aimed at filtering data from radio telescopes for signs of radiation. It takes data from a range of projects:


So we can prove how good theSkyNet is (its reliability and accuracy) the first task will be to process data that many others have analysed before. By comparing the results generated by theSkyNet with the results of others we’ll show that the code and algorithms under the hood of theSkyNet are working away like the well-oiled machine we know it is.

The data chosen for this purpose is the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (or HIPASS), taken from observations of the Southern sky made by the famous Parkes radio telescope (see Radio Astronomy in the Resources section for more details). HIPASS is a survey of all the hydrogen gas that Parkes could see in the Southern sky.

Once the accuracy and reliability of theSkyNet has been demonstrated we’ll be ready to begin the work of processing new data sets and refining the source finding techniques for radio astronomers.

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is a next-generation radio telescope currently being built in the West Australian desert. When complete it’ll be one of the world’s best radio telescopes (for more info see ASKAP in the Resources section.)

Some of the first ASKAP antennas in WA
Courtesy of the Department of Commerce, Western Australia

Once ASKAP starts observing the Universe, data will start to flow from it at an alarming rate. Supercomputers faster than anything available to astronomers at the moment will be needed to sift through all the data, and theSkyNet aims to help out. Once theSkyNet has proven itself by processing the HIPASS data, cubes of ASKAP data will be simulated, artificially populated with radio sources and made ready for processing. theSkyNet will then process these cubes of data to prepare for ASKAP’s completion. This will allow ICRAR researchers to figure out and overcome the challenges in managing, processing and extracting science from ASKAP before ASKAP starts operation, so everything is ready to go from the beginning.

During ASKAP’s first five years at least 75% of its time will be used to survey large parts of the sky for large Survey Science projects. ASKAP’s unique design makes it perfect for observing large areas of the sky very quickly over and over again, in search of the ‘flash in the pan’ that might mean a new discovery. At the moment ten of these survey projects are planned. Some of them, including two named DINGO and WALLABY, involve ICRAR’s researchers.

As the telescope becomes operational, supercomputers located in and around Perth will begin processing the huge volumes of data that begin to flow. As such, there will be a big demand for supercomputers from scientists wishing to process their data in different ways to suit specific science goals, which is where theSkyNet comes in.

By having theSkyNet available this data can be processed in many different ways which means scientists can experiment and make discoveries that might not have been possible otherwise!

DINGO is a deep HI survey that will use the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) to study hydrogen gas, like HIPASS, but look much further out into space. The aim is to study the evolution (changes in structure and location) of the neutral atomic hydrogen from now back a few billion years until the Universe was only two thirds as old as it is now (about 9 billion years old.) DINGO will study a few key areas of the sky and observe each area for a longer time to peer further out into the Universe.

WALLABY will adopt a shallower `all-sky’ approach than DINGO, so it will look at larger sections of sky, but not see as far away. It will survey two-thirds of our Southern sky and measure the neutral atomic hydrogen properties of about half a million galaxies, which is more than any other survey!

Looks like they are going for a competitive system with PRIZES! Woop...

theSkyNet members earn credits by processing data and helping unlock the secrets of our Universe. For theSkyNet’s top achievers there is a great grand prize up for grabs – a trip to Western Australia to visit the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO).

There will be one individual grand prize winner and one alliance grand prize winner.

If you are a member of theSkyNet and use your account on less than 10 computers simultaneously, you count as an individual member. The prize includes a trip to the MRO to check out the telescopes under construction there, hosted by astronomers and engineers from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). This is a unique prize as you can’t just go to the MRO, it’s restricted to astronomers and engineers who are working on the telescopes.

If you are a member of theSkyNet and you use your account on 10 or more computers simultaneously, you still count as an individual member but you’ll need to earn a few more credits to win the prize (because there are so many credit bonuses for using theSkyNet on multiple computers) You’ll win the same prize as an individual using less than 10 computers.

If you’re part of an alliance that’s doing extremely well and processing data at an alarming rate then you’re also in the running for another prize! The first alliance to reach the target will win an observing event for their alliance. This includes telescopes and astronomers coming to you to show you some amazing sights in the night sky for an evening.

The terms and conditions: The award of either prize detailed above will be at the sole discretion of theSkyNet team, who reserve the right to not award the prize if they deem it has not been fairly won or for any other reason that they choose. No discussion will be entered into on the award, or not award, of the prize. There will only be one prize awarded in each category to the first person or group to reach the target number of credits.

OcUK Alliance is up and running

It has GUI or Command line clients along with being able to run it in a browser.
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Being able to run in a browser is a bonus, I'll be able to run it at work :D

I won't be contributing much but you can add me to the Hovis alliance - dekez
Dont know about team Hovis but this team sounds familiar -


Initial observations are good, have it running on a few pc's and I cant tell its running.
But then again I only boinc on gpu so not sure how others would fair.
Credits are not showing correctly at the moment but they are working on it.
Team has gone from position 148 to position 85

Sounds better than it is really but its a start.

Apparently the team now has 9 members, trouble is there are 6 Loudbobs :confused:, dont know what thats all about.
Dont know about team Hovis but this team sounds familiar -


Initial observations are good, have it running on a few pc's and I cant tell its running.
But then again I only boinc on gpu so not sure how others would fair.
Credits are not showing correctly at the moment but they are working on it.

Not sure why you started a new one but nevermind we'll use that one.
I've joined the OcUK team and it appears to be running at work, although nothing is showing on the dashboard java is using 50% of the cpu so I think it's ok.
Not sure why you started a new one but nevermind we'll use that one.

The World must know who we are :D

I've joined the OcUK team and it appears to be running at work, although nothing is showing on the dashboard java is using 50% of the cpu so I think it's ok.

Can only get it to use 25% on my PC (across all cores)
runing Java 7 (which might be the issue)

Edit: scrub that using 50% now... no back to 25% again

Same here too, the shear number of people signing up is giving them some problems me thinks.
Team rank now gone from 85 to 36 :eek:

I have been awarded 12 trophies :D

Heres a selection .....

If you are into Facetube you can link these direct to your Facetube page, same goes for if you use Twiddle.
33 Credits for me, not bad for the work machine :)

What would be good if is they had a custom link for each person, so you could click and it would open the browser version and the points would go straight to your account. That way you could stick it on fb pages / bloggs / websites etc to get a few more points from you mates.
What would be good if is they had a custom link for each person, so you could click and it would open the browser version and the points would go straight to your account. That way you could stick it on fb pages / bloggs / websites etc to get a few more points from you mates.

Why don't you post your suggestion on their fb page, they are listening to what people are saying.

Apparently they are already working on some form of visualisation so you can see what work is being done.
Swift reply, they seem like nice chaps:

theSkyNet Team said:
Hi David,
it's clear that you think a lot like the people behind this project, this is something we'll have out there very soon so watch this space.

Thanks for being a part of theSkyNet!

theSkyNet Team
Very impressed that they are taking the time to reply to people promptly.

Is it just me or does the search button for users and teams not work for everyone at the moment.

Although no dc project could be described as 'green' this one is perhaps the closest to it and as my electricty supplier is increasing prices again this month this is becoming increasingly relevant.
You'll all be sorry when a T-1000 turns up to terminate y'all! :p ;)

Seems like a worthwhile Astronomical project, though I'm sure it'd make all our lives much easier if they didn't all create their own infrastructure. :)
.............. though I'm sure it'd make all our lives much easier if they didn't all create their own infrastructure. :)

At first I thought that as well but if you think about it Boinc combined is pretty meaningless anyway so does it really matter?
I have it running on all my pc's that are running thier gpu's flat out on boinc with no noticeable effects.
Nothing to install other than maybe a Java update.
Or are you thinking of something else?

What we could do with is a stats feed for all the team sites such as your own, most likely the question will have been asked already.
The big plus of this project for me is the portability of using java, and the facebook intergration they look to be doing.

So many people waste their time playing farmville and other such crap, if they could get little games or challenges which run this in the background at the same time there is massive potential for getting loads more people involved.

To be honest boinc and folding should look into these types of things as well.
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