New diet critique please...

6 Nov 2004
I want to bulk up a bit but not put on much fat so here's my diet plan for the next few months...

Although the portion sizes aren't there I will just eat as much I can. Am I eating the right stuffs at the right time and getting all the vital thing's I need to be healthy too?

P.S. The google recipie thing's are just for me to do lol.

Breakfast: 5am - 6:30am
1 X Mueseli with fruits & nuts
2 X Omega 3 pills

Second Breakfast: 9am - 11AM
2 X Fruit
1 X Low fat fruit youghurt
1 X Wholemeal bread turkey sandwich (google recipies)

Lunch: 12pm - 1:30pm
1 X Mixed vegetables
3 X Egg
1 X Tuna

First Dinner: 3pm - 5pm
1 X Mixed vegetables
1 X Chicken
1 X Fruit
2 X Omega 3 pills


Second Dinner: 8pm - 10pm
1 X Mixed vegetables
1 X Chicken
1 X Fruit
2 X Omega 3 pills

RUN (Optional)

Pre Sleep: 10:30pm - 11:30pm
1 X Cottage cheese (google recipies)

Fruit choices:
Looks ok but ideally you'd probably swap the muesli out for some oats and have some protein, e.g. what I do which is oats, banana, whey protein, and milk.

I thought Museli was better than porridge oats?

As for carbs I don't want to have too many as they're fattening right? I feel ok energy wise at the moment as the breakfast is high in carbs and the bread in the sandwich have some carbs too. The fruit will give me a natural sugar rush I guess? Maybe I should incorporate some brown pasta in some fo the meals?
The museli I get is just plain museli with raisins, nuts, bananas and morrisons own brand so I don't think it'll be too bad? Maybe I need to caculate the weight/portions i'm having and calories to see if this diet is making me bulk up a bit or not.

As for cottage cheese it's low in fat anyways. Should I be getting a low in fat variety or just the normal full one?
Lol, stop bringing up the past and let me try and move on... I'm finding it hard to do cardio & put on weight so i'll do the odd jog just to keep up my fitness.

I realised I just wasn't eating enough but i'm finding it really hard timewise with work to get in as many meals as I want.
Right guys cheers. I'll add pasta to one of my meals and change the museli to porridge.

As for cardio I rarely do it maybe once or twice as week to keep some fat off and keep up the fitness.
Make sure this is some form of H.I.I.T as opposed to an epic bout of steady state.

Yeah that was my big mistake in the past - I used to run upto 14 miles some days and I could actually do 9 mile a day at one point pre holiday for a month... And my diet was bed then aswell so it didn't make that much difference. I just tend to run the 3.5 miles now and HIIT the distance to the best of my ability.
I like to keep a little fitness. I don't think it's needed to keep lean more fitness and not allowing myself too get so bad that I can't run say if the occasion arises where I have 'dun' like big guys after me in a nightclub and i'll just run away from you :P

P.S. I don't think i'm a ectomoprh? lol.
It's just to do with ego aswell fitness. Because people know I can run like a ethiopian that's kind of a trait of mine now and I don't want to lose it? Like i'm sure you like being called a bear/beast Freefaller lol.
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