New Digital SLR Camera?

18 Feb 2006
Hey, im looking to buy a Digital SLR Camera, for myself as ive started to take a liking for photography (already owning a Pentax Optio 750Z 7.1mp) Ive decided i want a SLR.

Ive got around £400-450 Max to spend really.. Including a lens.

I like to just take general photos, but i also use it to zoom a fair amount.

At the moment, ive found a Nikon D50, Samsung Pro 815 but im not sure what else.

What are your views on the Samsung Pro 815?
What are your views on the Nikon D50?

Any other cameras to look at for this price?

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The two main cameras in the range you are talking about are the Nikon D50 and the Canon EOS 300D or 350D...

I would check out these threads if I were you to see what people have to say because this subject comes up a fair bit.

Which Digital SLR
Canon 350D or Nikon D50

I personally went for the Nikon D50 because I have experience with Nikons through my university course and it was what I was used too.

Points to note:

Unless you really really need/want an DSLR then compact like the one you have already is probably all you need. You don't need a DSLR to take good photos.

When choosing a DSLR think more about the lenses than the body because you will probably upgrade the body after a few years but the lenses will stay with you for a long time.

Because of this, the choice of body should be determined by the lenses you want/need. Canon and Nikon have a vast range of lenses. Canon's L-glass (professional lenses) have some models that are quite affordable to the enthusiast, while Nikons pro lenses require a re-mortgage. However, some of Nikon's low budget lenses and kit lenses are better than the Canon Kit lens/low budget glass (sweeping generalisation may not be 100% accurate).

We could really do with this info in the sticky!

Im a D50 owner and for the money carn't fault it. Like Panzerbjorn says though its all down to what you will use it for and the main cost of DSLR's is the cost of the glass. Take this into consideration first.
If you want zoom, maybe consider buying body only and then maybe a Tamron 30-300mm lens, however I've heard this lens isn;t fantastic, and it is the lens that gives the picture quality more so than the camera.

I bought the D50, very good value I rekon, just go into camera shops and ask to have a go on a D50 and 350D and then decide (you won;t be obliged to buy).

I would avoid the Samsung like the plauge (never seen a good review), you need to choose between the D50 (£380 with kit lens) or 350D.

Good luck, and post some photos when you get it!
It will be used for general photo use, and to take pictures of sunsets (like pictures shown in other threads) i will want some sort of zoom, but im not sure what yet. What would you lot get (including lens) for £400-450 max?

A friend of mine just recently brought a Film SLR, just wondering...would you get one, or would you go digital?

For £400-450, including a lens, if thats your maximum budget I'd get a digital compact like the Canon S3 IS. It'll give you a decent zoom and decent results. It has full manual controls like on an SLR too. If you just want it for sunsets it'll do fine.
cyKey said:
For £400-450, including a lens, if thats your maximum budget I'd get a digital compact like the Canon S3 IS. It'll give you a decent zoom and decent results. It has full manual controls like on an SLR too. If you just want it for sunsets it'll do fine.

Hmm, what about just a standard lens, till i get a decent one at a later date? And would you bother with Film SLR's?

Just as reference..what sort of Digital Cameras would you look at if you werent getting SLR?

Syk3 said:
Hmm, what about just a standard lens, till i get a decent one at a later date? And would you bother with Film SLR's?

No. Not until I felt comfortable knowing I would get good results as with a digital you don't worry about the cost of film.

Just as reference..what sort of Digital Cameras would you look at if you werent getting SLR?


The one I just mentioned.
If you do get the D50 then I could do you a deal on a couple of lens'. The kit lens and a 70 - 300mm DG Sigma lens. Could save you a few bob in the process. I personally have the D50 and love it. Great little camera for the money!

there are lots of people recomending 2 forerunners, (I dont need to repeat what they are do i lol)

I was wondering though.

Considering that the body isnt the most inportant component (being that lenses are)

Are there any older, and hopefully cheaper second hand bodies people coudl recommend, so that those of us on a tighter budget could spend our money on a lenses.
Bolerus said:
Are there any older, and hopefully cheaper second hand bodies people coudl recommend, so that those of us on a tighter budget could spend our money on a lenses.

Unfortunately not.
Cheaper consumer level DSLRs only really started with the Canon 300D and Pentax *ist. I've just sold my 300D for £235, meaning that it's not that much cheaper than a D50. You might think that a saving of £100 is reasonable, but as seriously good lenses can easily be £500, it's neither here nor there in overall cost for your equipement. In addition, the D50/400D really are a reasonable step on from the older consumer DSLRs and probably are worth the money.
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