New DSLR thoughts and decisions

18 Oct 2002

Ive just got back from trying some DSLR's and i'm currently really undecided what to do. At the moment I own a Panasonic Fz7, it's a great small (ish) longzoom camera, but to an extent I feel it's limiting me a little. First i've already now fallen in love with focus rings on lenses, they are so much better than the focus I am used to. Second im not 100% happy with even the daylight quality of some of the photos i get, they can look a little blotchy like they are painted at 100%, even when camera processing is set to minimum. Finally and maybe most importantly i've found that i've been taking a fair amount of pictures in less that optimal lighting coniditons, not as such at night, but a lot once the light is starting to fade, and this camera in particular suffers from bad noise so thats not great.

Anyway my plan seems to be to sell the fz7, pick up a DSLR now or soon, and then get a compact camra in the future for situatuions where i just need something in my pocket (something like an a610) as these situatuions are usually just taking pics of friends etc, so no zoom really required.

Sadly I havent got the cash to go up to something like the D20/30, so after getting a second lense im looking probablky between a 350d, d50 or a scond hand d70. With any of these im not going to have much left for telephoto lense but after looking around the Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro Lens seems like it will do to start off with as I can live with jsut using it up to 250-270 to keep the sharpness up a little. Myy problem is that i dont know which of these 3 cameras to go for. The 350d definately has the best feature set, but after holding it, I found it instantly a little uncomfortable to hold (as many have reported). To be fair the more I held it the more I go t used to it, but the d50 felt great from the off, jsut the perfect size, the 350d wasnt even close. The question is, how much would I be loosing feature wise? The price of it's great too. While I havent held the d70s, how much is this lacking in features compared to the 350d? Is it worth the extra over the d50 considering I would want the standard kit lense with both of them?

Any help would be much appreciated as all im thinking at the moment is that I wish the grip on the 350d was a little bigger.
Im beginning to lean towards the 350d now, but I just want to ask people with 350d's, did any of you initially find the camera uncomfortable, but get used to it over time?

The other thing is that the new Pentax K100d looks promissing, but information on the pentax lenses (and getting hold of them in general) seems a lot more difficult to find. Can anyone give any opinions on pentax DSLR's and their lenses?
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That was my though to be honest, the K100d looks quite promissing, would prefer to see a review first, but ive seen it suggested that it will be available from the 17th from one store.
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