New Ear phones???

Shure E4Cs

Just got mine today :D

Need damn good recordings though as the earphones are transparent as... um... Highly polished glass!
Inferno99 said:
Just got my Creative EP-630 earphones.

Really good bass and a great replacement for my aging fontopias. :cool:
That was my opinion too, which lasted a few days. Now I can't stand them. Myself and others get huge abouts of feedback if your shirt rubs up against it's cord, or if you tap it while playing music. They're useless on the move and I ended up going back to my inferior MX400's :/ Still looking for decent in the ear phones that don't suffer from this prob.
Budget? If you're looking at the upper end then I can recommend UE Super.Fi 5Pro's. They go for around £170. Have an excellent soundstage, like the Shure's they're very transparent and they don't suffer with noise from the cord being rubbed that's been mentioned.

They come with 5 different buds: small, medium, large, double flanged in silicon and also one set of foam - so getting the perfect fit is easy. By perfect I mean they really do cut out all outside noise. The only thing I can hear with mine in until the music starts is the sound of my own breathing. Not sure if this makes them ideal for outside use as you certainly wouldn't hear the car that's about to run you over, or the mugger running up behind you to steal your wallet.
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