New footage style, I don't like it!

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
I'm noticing this more and more with new TV shows, especially action/fantasy ones whereby they look to be using a wide angle lens and a tight DOF. Avatar: The Last Airbender, Shogun, Rebel Moon...

The character's face might be in sharp focus but everything around it seems to be heavily blurred, am I the only one noticing this?

Many of the scenes (especially those not involving Blackthorne) are characterized by extreme bottle distortion and lens falloff, both of which are classic characteristics of anamorphic lenses. To me it seems like they wanted to emphasize how Japanese characters' lives are seen as 'warped' or 'obscure' by the outsider. However, I think they take it way too far. There are specific scenes where the subject is framed high in the shot and you can't even see their facial expressions properly because of this effect.

Largely shot on Hawk anamorphics on LF. They clearly embraced the LF look by getting wider lenses closer to subject which accentuates distortion, curvature more than Anomorphic already creates

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I like it when, and only when, its used sparingly to say capture a significant event or add emphasis to an impactful scene.

However, its currently being used as if its a "standard" lens meaning almost every single shot is filmed with it which, as a stylistic choice is a poor one for me. I'm currently loving the new Shogun TV show (mentioned above) which sadly is struck by this "new" affliction and it really does hurt my love of the show seeing it used for what seems like every single shot rather than being used sparingly which adds to its impact when it is used.

Ah well, good job I'm not a cinematographer or DoP I suppose :D
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Just like lens flare (hi JJ Abram’s) it’s probably just a bit in fashion currently. I love seeing an anamorphic lens pull focus though, such a cool effect.
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