new game ideas

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I'm really bored, and would like some ideas for new games.

Got a lot if the survival games, but they're all a bit to early I'm in development.

The recent 4x games are well just poor.

The only two games I've loved recently have been
kerbal Space Program

Been browsing steam for a while and just can't see anything I fancy. But then again it's hard to find new games and especially small indie games like rimworld.
Got gc3 and it's poor. It needs a few DLCs to make it more complicated, it's even missing some basic features, that should have been in release.

New xcom games? The Bureau or is there something newer?

Not into mgs.
It's certainly top of the list so far though. Will take a look at some youtube vids and see how big an improvement it is.
Yeah got bored of most if the big releases.
I think there's a load if good indie games, but it's finding them that is hard. Only found rimworld through watching some youtubers do KSP.
Oh man, that would be amazing. Utilized xcom battle engine, with a proper full scavenge and base build 2nd engine.

Yeah early access is both great and a curse.
It's allowing far more breadth of games to be made, due to easy funding. But it's hard to tell which ones are being made by decent people.

And wtf, enemy unknown is 16.4gb on it's own. Might not be playing today.
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I do indeed. And I haven't, i'll take a look.
Really like build, research expand strategy type games.
So 4x space games, civ, settlers, rimmworld all that sort of thing and off course xcom.
think i might go get rimworld lol

It's a good game, but early access but at least it's updated regularly, new alpha roughly every two month.
Mods make it better. As some basic stuff is missing.

Actually didn't like banished or skyline. Wish steam had refunds when I got half the games on my list.
Annoying there doesn't seem to be an easy way to copy and paste games list to here.
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Wahoo xcom and long war finally downloaded.

Gone for normal bronze mode. Which is no saves but can restart tactical mission. But also added randomize so won't get the same mission if I restart.
Edb interface.
And one of the tech mods, which allow you to build bionics and all the weapons. Like superior crafting (hasn't been updated to latest release yet), glitter tech or many others.

Crash landing and zombie are fun mods, but I wouldn't start with them.
Haha you succumbed, it's a great game, and once he's finished putting the features in, then he's going to start adding better UI and the rest.

Long war is hard :eek: on game number 3 now. doing better this tome. Had to modify my tactics a lot. Still strapped for cash and power though. 10 days till the good generator comes on line, then next month I can build lots of labs.
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