New Games??

3 Nov 2014
Newcastle, England
I am looking for fun games to play, something i can play with friends but also fun enough to play by myself (im not a solo gamer so theres a challenge ;) )
I have played pretty much every genre, and im not a huge fan of indie so non of that, I am 15, ive completed GTA 5, 3 times on xbox, so i dont think ill be getting it on pc right away.
I enjoy CS:GO more than anything else at the minute with 80+ hours being shoved in the last 2 weeks alone, so something with the competitive edge like that.
I also enjoyed WOW but not a fan of the sub, i bought the battlechest just over a month ago and my sub has just ran out for the money.
Just ideas really, of a MMO game, that is competitive, if there isnt anything at the moment, is there anything being released soon that is good?
Also, I want a really good singleplayer game, that is fun to play through multiple times and never gets boring right from the word go until the very end.

Just give me some ideas, i am very open minded.

Thanks in advance
Neverwinter just released paladin class and that's been a lot of fun; free to play mmo

Here's a video of the class I made.

Elder Scroll Online has gone to BTP; I've been having fun there to; which I've made a few vidoes on which I can post if you want. Basically there is no sub anymore but need buy the game.....
I can also do a video of Dragon Age: Inqu.......if you want; that's a good single player;

and another great single player old school rpg is Pillars of Eternity.

Another video of mine.

Wasteland 2 is also very good; which should be getting or gotten a massive upgrade patch to visuals and balancing. I can make a video for that too if you want :D

I like this, showing me examples in videos, my favorite review platform as i can actually see what its like!
I like the look of neverwinter, looks like wow from what i watched of that video, and i shall have a look at any videos you put up just link me!
Neverwinter just released paladin class and that's been a lot of fun; free to play mmo

Elder Scroll Online has gone to BTP; I've been having fun there to; which I've made a few vidoes on which I can post if you want. Basically there is no sub anymore but need buy the game.....
I can also do a video of Dragon Age: Inqu.......if you want; that's a good single player;

I also like the look of ESO, i watched/played a bit ages ago when it was in beta (if i remember correctly) and i may just have too invest in that again!
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