New gaming PC

26 May 2015

I'm looking to buy and build myself a new gaming machine with a budget of around £900. I won't need mouse & keyboard or monitors.

What I'm looking for is a gaming machine to run new high end games on decent settings without having to worry about lag or anything like that (dark souls 3 for example) but I am unsure of what would be a good spec to go with my budget.

due to previous problems with AMD, I am more wanting a intel/nvidia setup. preferably future proof (is that the word?) ddr4/skylake setup. I am not worried about overclocking as I wont be bothering with that.

I usually run into the issue of buying components that are a bit large for my case or the cpu fan for example goes over RAM slots or not the correct cable etc, so I was wondering if OCUK could point me in the right direction.

Not sure if its worth anything but I do like the NZXT Cases.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the fast replies.

Stulid, thanks for the spec. is the R9 390 better than the 970?, also would I need one of those USB windows 10 to go with the case? Also I wouldn't need to worry about the CPU fan blocking RAM slots with that fan would I?

Danny75, I do need a copy of windows yes. and 250gb would be plenty for me.

Quartz, Case size if you mean isn't really a problem, preferably something that looks nice and is quiet. and I probably will eventually play ashes of the singularity yes.
Hi Stulid,

does OCUK do windows 10 USB, had a look but couldn't think anything specific.

also if I was to go with the spec you listed, would I need to get anything wires or ssd mount or should i be good to go?
Unfortunately having to wait for the magic payday.

Would the 550W psu go fine with a 390 then? and which one would you recommend?
Which 390 would be best?

looking at some, they seem to say 600W or greater PSU required. and which ones will fit?
Will probably go with the build Stulid mentioned, as it all seems to fit, going with the r9 390, the 550w PSU doesn't seem to be powerful enough, according to the gpu description anyway.
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