New Graphics Card - COD2 Problems

3 Jun 2004
Hi all,

Call Of Duty 2 used to work fine on my 9800 Pro although it did lock up on DirectX 9 mode I could play the game all day long on DirectX 7.

This week I received my 7800GS+ AGP.

I am now having a problem with Call Of Duty 2. Whenever I play the game it will suddenly lock up and all I get is a paused picture and a squealing noise from my speakers. The only way out is for me to press the reset button on my PC.

I have tried both DirextX 7 and 9 graphics modes for the game. DirectX 7 plays a little longer but does eventually lock up.

I also found sometimes that when I go back into the game after a lock up my config and saved games will be reset and I have to start from the begining.

I checked CPU and GPU temps and all is fine. My specs exceed the cards recommended requirements and I am using the latest nvidia drivers.

Any ideas how to overcome this problem?

Thanks for your help.
Raymond Lin said:
did you remove all traces of the ATI driver?

Yep...I have now done a format and reinstalled windows and then COD2.

It plays a little better but the problem is still there. It's random as sometimes I can play for 30 mins and other times it will freeze straight away.

I will have a look on the infinity ward forum.

Thanks for your help.
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