new hardware for truenas

23 Jan 2005
Hi looking for a new motherboard and cpu for a truenas home set up running truenas, plex and home assistant just for my home, atm i am using an old desktop setup so looking to upgrade. so what would you recommend ?
What's you budget?

Do you have a footprint/size/noise requirement. How much storage and what level of redundancy do you want?

Any other stuff you want? E.G ECC Ram, Fast Nics or IPMI?

Best page for a list of compatible hardware is the FreeBSD HCL: - but always worth searching the TrueNas forum before buying a specific NIC or HBA tbh!
Thanks atm I have three 4Tb hard drives and a 120ssd in my current setup but also have spare drives two 120ssd and a 3Tb and 2Tb drive will be used as storage and plex server with home assistant add on ( running on pi atm). Reason for upgrading is it’s running on an old and cpu and ddr3 ram. Will be sited in a spare bedroom cupboard
ZFS might not be that will suited to the mix of drives you have (not if you want everything to be protected to the failure of a single disk)

You might be better looking at UnRaid - this would work with a much wider pool of hardware as well as it's Linux based (it's also easier to setup).

A modern i3 / i5 or 4-6 core Ryzen with 8GB of RAM would probably be fine for what your looking to use it for.
I was thinking exactly the same as BongoHunter but decided not to say it at the time as it looks like this may be an upgrade. Adding drives to an existing ZFS pool currently involves adding a whole new vdev (last I heard a solution for that was being worked on, but filesystem development is typically very slow, for good reason). Unraid, on the other hand, can take new drives any time, so long as the parity drive(s) are always the largest in the pool. You do sacrifice performance for that flexibility, so both have their merits.
Thanks all I am only using the three 4Tb in my pool, I only mentioned the other drives in case I could have used them like the ssd’s in a poll for some reason
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