New Hardware

20 Apr 2006
Leeds, UK
Choices, choices.... I need a decent upgrade to something that can be almost 'workstation class', but on a budget (Stop laughing at the back their).

My old setup is feeling long in tooth, short on power and decidely 'lacking'.

At present:

Asus K8NE-Deluxe Mobo - Socket 754 Nforce 4-4x Chipset
Sempron 2600 (128K, non-64-Bit) - Managed to Clock to 245Mhz HTT
512MB Kingston Value DDR400 - Stock Speeds
Asus 6600 non-GT Video Card - This will carry over for the time being

Hmm, bit sad really isn't it ?

These are what I want my new rig to have ...

1) Dual Core. Definitly.
2) 64 Bit. Not buying a processor without this, this time round
3) Plenty of RAM. And I mean plenty.... 2GB would be nice.

And this is what I'm contemplating:

Setup 1:
Pentium D 805
Asus P5LD2
2x 1GB Corsair Value DDR2 533mhz
Hiper Type-R 580W
Thermaltake Big Typhoon


Setup 2:
AMD X2 3800
DFI Lanparty Ultra-D
2x 1GB Corsair Value DDR 400mhz
Hiper Type-R 580W
Thermaltake Big Typhoon

So which one to go for - please bear in mind I'm no stranger to overclocking, and fancy having a crack at getting the PenD 805 upto 4Ghz. Also cost is a big issue - I'm saving over the 6600 this time so that I can spend more on the CPU/RAM/Mobo....

Suggestions & Idea's please.
Its primarily a Workstation based PC, i.e a lot of Photoshop and Dreamweaver, 3D Modelling and other Windows orientated tasks. Hence why I want dual core and 64Bit ... more and more productivity software moving this way...

However, I DO game a fair bit when the work is done and dusted, so I don't want to be left in the dark here. WoW, WC3, want to play Fear and HL2 and Q4. Although I'm a little hampered by my 6600 compared to the latest and greatest, It'll do for now while I sort out the CPU, Mobo and RAM.

Like I said I'm no stranger to overclocking - the heady days of running my barton 2500XP at 2.45Ghz on Air was fun while it lasted ...... I do believe that little bugger of a 805 clocks like a beast, and as has been said, the 805 clocks and clocks well.

I think I've just chosen myself, really.

So, I guess my question really is, is there any holes in the setup I've chosed.

Power - Enough Juice ?
Cooling - Enough for the job ?
Stable/Supporting Motherboard - Able to work with the CPU ok ?
RAM Decent enough for the job considering the amount ?
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