New HDA Digital X-Mystique 7.1 GOLD Driver

so far doesnt really seem to have helped anything????

still doesnt continuelly send a DD signal to my amp unless i turn on the magic voice thing for the mic, and i still cant use hardware accellerated EAX sound in Halo without it clipping the ends of the gun shot sounds.

did have some trouble getting windows speaker set up to stay on 5.1 after restarts but it seems to be sticking now after 3 attempts and it defaulting back to dekstop stereo just like it used to with the old drivers

only thing ive noticed is that they've added an extra functions in the sp-dif drop down on the control panel, now get 48khz, 96khz and sp-dif loop back as well as the extra dolby digital option.

tbh looks like a half harted attempt at a updated drivers :(
thats a shame:( its funny how quickly everybody has forgotten the problems with the soundstorm and continuous DD output. I belive its a hardware compatibility problem, and not just software. I had no problems at all when i had my x-mystique+msi k8n neo2 plat, but now ive got my jetway xpress200 i have the prolems. Same drivers, just a different motherboard and chipset.
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I only get the problem of it reverting back to 2 speakers which for me I can live with I mostly use headphones when gaming anyway so it's not too bad.

Mine always is in DD when theres sound im glad I dont have a problem with that, it would annoy me.
everything is in DD but when theres no sound playing it wont send anything to the amp, so when the next sound plays it will cut the begenning of it off while it sends the signal to my amp and it decodes it.

if you keep settings it to 5.1 in the speaker set up bit and restart it eventually sticks lol. did with mine :)
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