New HDD and Mac Pro

21 Jul 2007
Hi all, just need some quick question(s) answering. Is this WD Caviar Blue the best choice for a Mac Pro (2x Intel Core 2 Quad) or does it not matter?

More importantly, is the Black edition worth the extra money (for editing video)?

I'm buying the HDD to be a secondary drive alongside the main 320GB that came with the computer so will formatting be particularly difficult?

I'm also buying 8GB of FBDIMM RAM before the price inflates by much more so I'm hoping to get all this bought in one go.
"Worth it" depends on your own definition.

A Mac Pro to me is worth it, to others it not.

I have two 1TB WD Black in my MP and they are, err quick?

For a few quid you might as well get the black TBH!
I've always found that on modern systems that any 7,000rpm drive will do the job, just make sure it's something reliable. I've used a 10,000rpm WD Raptor for quite a few years now as a scratch disk now and I've never really seen any extra benefit for video work. Sames goes for all the high end edit systems we have at work, they just use fairly standard drives.

Formatting is easy, just pop it in and open up 'disk utility'. If you need more RAM, you are better of buying it from someone other than Apple.
Go for a crazy RAID-0 with a decent backup solution (Drobo) for max performance and security.

Alternatively, buy the RAID card and run a 4 drive RAID 0+1
Go for a crazy RAID-0 with a decent backup solution (Drobo) for max performance and security.

Alternatively, buy the RAID card and run a 4 drive RAID 0+1

:D Won't that cost like £1000 or something?

Incidentally, would I be better off with 8GB of the Crucial 5300C5 RAM or the Corsair 800Mhz stuff which is much more expensive?

Does the Crucial stuff fail a lot and does the slight speed increase on the Corsair make a difference?
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