New IE Vulnerability

blitz2163 said:
I thought this was well know, i swear i seen it many moons ago :confused:

I think this is a more recent IE vulnerability which is due to be patched on 11th April so called 'patch tuesday' :confused:

Digital Punk said:
I gave up on Internet Exploder a long time ago.

Way too insecure and more holes than a fisherman's net.

Far better third party browsers out there which are more secure and better featured.
I agree and now use Firefox instead :cool:
most of these so called Vulnerabilities never affect 99.9% of us.
its just scare mongering and IE bashing.
have used IE for years without any problems and will continue to do so.
also i don't know anyone that these "Vulnerabilities" HAVE affected.
i have used firefox and didn't like it
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ShakenNstirred said:
most of these so called Vulnerability never affect 99.9% of us.
its just scare mongering.
have used IE for years without any problems and will continue to do so.
i have used firefox and didnt like it

I also used IE for many years and didn't have a single problem with it. I'm jusy using Firefox now because I prefer it... features etc.

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