New IEM's

29 May 2012
My trusty VSonic S3's are going to IEM heaven, despite still looking perfect after a few years of use the right ear is failing to the point it cant be heard anymore.

Bang for buck are the Vsonics still the ones to go for or is there a new kid in town now?

EDIT; To be ran off my s7 and a sandisk clip
was thinking something in the same price range <£40 much more than that and im as well getting more vsonics
Fidue A73 @ £49.99 is a nice upgrade to any of the Vsonics, (I have owned the VSd3,&s/VSd5/GR07 I have had around 6 pairs of Vsonics - a few pairs returned with cable issue). Fit is not a good with the A73, if the Vsonics are comfortable for you.
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