New iMac just died :(

21 Oct 2008
Mooching... in your house
Got my iMac on Friday, and today when I came into work there are a lot of crazy artifacts on the screen :(

after calling apple care they have diagnosed a hardware fault (obvious I know but they have to go through the whole process) and i'm down for a replacement...

anyone else had hardware problems like this? i opted for the 4850 model maybe thats where the problem lies?
the only major problem with the process is that i can't format the hard drive and i would really prefer it not to go to any old tom dick or harry at apple with the stuff thats on it... basically all my work and work accounts...

i did ask if i could just take it back for a replacement at the apple store (for speed) but they wouldn't do it as it was a custom build... would have been nice to try and blag the next model up (so that its off the shelf) but they said there's no way it can be refunded through the store it has to be done online...

rubbish :(
so does it look like the "feezing" i am experiencing is the same as everyone else? i was getting thick vertical grey lines at the post screen (with the apple icon) then it went to a blue screen (plain blue) with lots of small square artifacts...

is it worth me downgrading to the nVidia? much performance gain for the extra 40 quid and extra hassle / chance of it going wrong again?
They messed up installing your 4850. Not uncommon given Apples poor QC on the construction end.
Ahh ok, maybe if i'd have opened it up and reseated the card it may have fixed it but i think their might be warranty issues with that plus being less than a week old i don't think it would be worth the risk...
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