New imac! little help and advice

Man of Honour
14 Aug 2005
ok so got my new imac and all is well pretty much, doing all i need and working well just two issues one major one minor.

imac 20" 2.4ghz 1gig

major issue the wireless settings keep changing themselve everytime i turn it on i set the wireless up and connect it, and it all works fine, but if i turn it off and then back on again all the settings in the airport part are gone and sometimes now it says error conencting. i have a netgear router and wpa key any ideas on this? i have tried inputing the details then locking the settings but on restart its just unlocked and all gone as if reset!

and minor issue is, its quite slow to boot up, first i get a grey screen with apple logo for a good minute of more, then it says startin OS X which can take up2 30seconds i know a little petty but i expected this to be quicker.

Thanks guys

Edit: also if anyone who can help me and uses msn would be much appreciated if they could add me this evening for some mac tuition! :D
'email in trust'
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major issue the wireless settings keep changing themselve everytime i turn it on i set the wireless up and connect it, and it all works fine, but if i turn it off and then back on again all the settings in the airport part are gone and sometimes now it says error conencting. i have a netgear router and wpa key any ideas on this? i have tried inputing the details then locking the settings but on restart its just unlocked and all gone as if reset!

Tried updating the firmware on the router, software on your machine. Or clicking "apply now"?

and minor issue is, its quite slow to boot up, first i get a grey screen with apple logo for a good minute of more, then it says startin OS X which can take up2 30seconds i know a little petty but i expected this to be quicker.

Strange the Intel Macs tend to start up amazingly quick. Try repairing permissions in Disk Utility or a fresh install of the OS.

Edit: also if anyone who can help me and uses msn would be much appreciated if they could add me this evening for some mac tuition! :D
'email in trust'

Sure thing
I've added you :)

That seems to be a common problem with Airport and some routers. Have you run the software updater? If you have and it doesn't work, try this.

As for boot speed, it shouldn't be that long.
If it's the first few times it's been turned on then it may be slow. But if it's still taking years, try installing Onyx and that will clear any carp that was left behind when installing, downloading, caches etc.

Edit: keep the Mac hardware thread alive by posting a pic of it, here. :)
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It's not a solution but why not stop shutting it down?

The only time I go through the boot process on my iMac is when I'm forced to by software updates.

Just put it to sleep. It uses less power than a lightbulb (iirc) and start up time is reduced to about 3 seconds. Plus it allows you to install alarm clocks which can wake your computer from sleep in the morning.
To sort out boot issues you can try repairing the disk permissions in Disc Utility*

*Found in Applications/Utilities/Disc Utility

(Incidentally I recommend everyone to do this now and then.. it does help)

Oh, and clearing the Caches from Macintosh HD: Library: Caches and User: Home: Library: Caches can work wonders :)
Just put it to sleep. It uses less power than a lightbulb (iirc)

But i wouldnt leave my lights on all night, All issues resolved so far, well for now anyway!! would like to say thanks to Will 3rd and Justin who helped me out is much appriciated i know i seemed stupid at times but im really not. I hope, and i will try no t to pester you all the time but cant promise anything there :P. pics soon to follow in mac hardware show !!
Anyone, know the brand of memory as standard in the imac? cant seem to find out and dont wanna take it out at the moment. i know you can put seperate brands in as they dont support dual channel. but id like to get a matching stick

A company called 'Nanya'. I think your have trouble finding them, just buy a pair of Crucial RAM and get rid of the stock one in your iMac.
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