New iMac

10 Sep 2007
Hey, im currently looking at getting me an iMac since my laptop went boom.

We have claimed on the house insurance, as it was part of our cover, but they are saying they will give us Currys Vouchers. And all i was wondering, is; Do apple help in-store for any apple product, or just ones purchased from the Apple Store?

Thanks for any answers.
I am going to try and hold out, but if they do give us vouchers (which is still unsure) then i may just be better off letting my parents use the voucer for a TV, and i save for an iMac from the Apple Store?
Well the speed boost wont be too noticeable yet, going form dual core to quad core on a mac for most tasks, but once snow leopard is released then mac osx will with taking advantage of those extra cores al the time.

Hold out if you can, if not, you're not missing out on a massive difference I'd bet.

Even if i got the iMac before the Snow Leopard, i would just upgrade to Snow Leopard straight away, so i wouldn't miss out on the extra speed for too long.
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