New iPhone 3G

3 Jun 2003
Ok, I have an iPhone 3G 8GB, currently on firmware 2.2.

It is an italian phone that is factory unlocked, i.e. no turbo SIM,etc, you can put any SIM in it and it works.

My doubt is, is the 2.2 jailbreak only for locked iPhones or would it also work on mine?

Also, a more minor point, does the jailbreak process also mean I wipe out everything currently on my iPhone, and have to re-install all the apps, settings, music, podcasts etc?

Finally, when you have a jailbroken 2.2 iPhone 3G, how do you avoid bricking it? What can't you do? Can you connect to iTunes and the App Store as usual? I use iTunes for podcasts all the time.

Thanks in advance for any answers.
You can jailbreak any iPhone (regardless of an existing unlock), however, some apps throw the term jailbreak around loosely so be careful to choose "jailbreak only" as some apps have a do-it-all button (which also performs and unlock as part of the process)

Again, the process shouldn't wipe everything out but each app is different... usually the app will say if it's going to erase any data. My advice would be to do a backup in iTunes; if it goes **** up, do a restore from backup or re-sync the content.

To avoid bricking it I'd say don't go messing with basebands and crazy custom IPSW files. Use an easy to follow jailbreak app, and go from there.. the moment you start changing the parition size is when the phone will cry.

As for iTunes itself.. you won't lose any functionality.
Thanks for the quick reply.

I was thinking of using QuickPWN but I am open to suggestions if its not the best!

My other issue with jailbreaking is, what happens when Apple release 2.3, 2.4, 3.0 or whatever? Am I right in saying the options are to;

1. stay on jailbroken 2.2
2. restore to the legitimate 2.2 and upgrade to the new legitimate one.
3. wait for the new jailbreak
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