New iPhone arrives, and I break my sim card

18 Apr 2007
Probably in a river somewhere
Typical. I get my nice new iPhone and as I take the sim card out of my old trusty w810i I accidentally drop it and then run over it with my office chair as I move to pick it up. There's no visible damage, but neither phone will admit it exsists. This sucks monkey balls.

So, after having a chuckle at my misfortune, can anyone tell me the chances of getting a replacement sim straight away if I pop into the o2 shop on my way home? And as this is a 3 year old non-3g sim card would I have needed a new one anyway?

Thanks, I was expecting it to come with one to be honest. Oh well, it's an excuse to leave work half an hour early anyway!

It was soon all sorted. The shop gave me a new sim card, I phoned up and got it activated and a couple of hours later it was on the go.

Staying up till 1 am playing around with it might have been a mistake, and luckily/unfortunately there's no data signal at work so I won't be wasting too much time till I get home today.

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