New iphone user, would like some info help advice whatnot

22 Aug 2004
Hey guys, well im not up on things like phones ive lived with a £20 nokia for several years, but fortunately for me (im told) a customer of mine decided i could have his old (1 yr) 2G iphone in exchange for sorting his PC, bargain, £30 iphone. Anyway long story short ive got to grips with it, unlocked it for my payg carrier, hacked it with SSC and what not (on the 2.02fw) now im just wondering what to do with it. Seems like a great phone but im one of these people who needs it to do techy/interesting things, but im not going down the linux road im not THAT nerdy.

So what would/ are you doing with yours?

How can i manually copy music to the phone with ssc? Directory, format etc

As above but pictures, directory resoloution size format bla bla

What apps, free or otherwise would you reccommend?

How long do the batteries usually last? This isnt faring too well needing to be charged once a day or more albeit getting hammerred atm with wifi and file transfers etc

any other useful info for me?

Cheers guys!

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