New Ipod Nano question?

26 Oct 2002
With the new nano coming in a much smaller box, does apple still include a itunes cd?

Strange question I know, but I'm going to be buying one as a Christmas gift for someone, and they don't have internet access, just wondering if I need to burn them itunes to a CD.
i was thinking about this as well.

but one question:

Can you use Ipod's with just a drag and drop type for the music. rather than having to change all my mp3's over the apple's format. Or am i wrong in that thinking.

Just I like all my MP3 as MP3 as I have a wireless music player also in the house as part of my seperat hi fi system.

Just thought I read somewhere that you can use a Ipod *(somehow) with just drag and drop you files ?

thanks, educate me please...
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