New ISP.....ideas?

1 Sep 2007
My Family have been with AOL since dial up (I know I know) paying £20 for 5 meg atm, had a bit of a rant about mum saying yes to 18 more months with them yesterday.

But i have finally convinced them that it is cack and we need a change.

So im looking for something up to 20meg but would settle for 10

That has a good fair usage policy, unlimited downloads and doesnt require me to take out a phone line aswell

At the moment im thinking either virgin or be,

What say you OCUK?
I recommend

They offer unlimited downloads between midnight and 8am. Everything outside that is metered and throttled, but it's done in a sensible way that means that online gaming and VOIP work properly, even during peak hours.

Few ISPs seem to be as open about their policies as seem to be good, cable is available in our street

hmmm whats the virgin download policy like compared to plus? as at the moment either sounds good!
Get VM if you can get cable. If not, you will need a phone line with copper wire. If you have Be in your area. Go for them, they have ZERO traffic management.

Also if you go for unlimited or pro package. You get member options. See here:

Where you can turn fastpath or off. Change your line dB from 3dB - 15dB (Lower = better speeds but not as reliable.) i.e most BE members on 3dB sync for about a week and their router automatically resyncs.
My choice seems to be between:



So, what's my best bet?

Sky claim real unlimited downloads but restrict you with phone and TV use.

Check out BT Infinity if it's available on your exchange I'm hearing good things about it and has a 300GB fair usage policy.

Not wishing to detract from the OP's original question here, but the only LLU operators listed under our local exchange are Orange and TalkTalk neither of whom I supect can offer me anything better than BT.

No cable is available in this area, and no fibre either! :(
mazing speed, no throttling, constant, uk call centre, english support and accounts, cant fault them in any way at all
Be fits all the op's criteria...

If available in his area that is..

Check on the be website

They are available in my area but they say only 8 meg speed.....which is fine but would like a little more bang for buck so i guess VM would be best

What are VM like for downloads? if good then thats the winner :D
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