New Job - New Laptop.. Macbooks with Windows?

18 Oct 2003
Ok, from what I've read on here already this is a hot topic, so no fighting.

Basically, I've got a new job as a graphic designer and web dev and they have given me a laptop, but its got 1Gb RAM in it and its not keeping up.

Herein lies some limitations, my job only has Adobe Windows licenses, so my Adobe suite will have to go on a windows install. So first up:

Is there any point in buying a Macbook simply to run windows and do everything in windows on it? Or am I missing out on the whole point of Macs? Or is there another way around this where I could nicely run my adobe suite in Windows alongside everything else? I also need to access the work network and servers, will there be complications in this respect?

Any help is much appreciated. Especially from other Web devs/designers.
Mainly work, I hardly use my work laptop at home, rather sit in front of the dtop.
Maybe I've missed something, but if your work supplied laptop isn't good enough for you to do your job then surely they should be the ones stumping up the cash for a new one?

Ive only just started (I would feel uncomfortable demanding a new laptop immediately and we've just been given the credit crunch speech from the CEO) and it is usable. I could survive on this laptop. But its just a painful experience.

But I have just discovered the Apple hardware phenomenon.. it holds its value! :eek:
Cheers for all the input guys, useful to hear everyones opinions from both sides.

I have.. gone and bought a MBP, the slower proc but with 4Gb Ram.

I couldnt really justify spending much more than £1K and with the HE discount and VAT back thats what I have done.

It should last me a long time and im going to be using it all the time, that said it should also retain some of its value if I am to sell it in the future.

Just a waiting game now.
Blut blut!

Don't put windows on it dude. Just reap the rewards of OS X and use PS in that.

Plus, what's the point of buying something for 4 grand and then putting windows on it! ;) :p

I will have to have windows on it to start with until I get to grips with the nuances of OSX, but I will be trying for the license swap.

And I know, but its ok, because I got a discount on an iPhone and Nano for 8 grand, so thats like, what 20 grand? So i paid them 30 grand.. just to be sure.
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