New Job!

18 Mar 2006
Woo, well I start my new job in 35 mins, can't wait :D. Going to be Bar Staff at a new place opening in my local town. Dunno what I'm going to be doing today mind you, as the place is FAR from ready. It's meant to open on the 13th of this month, going to be pushing it by the looks of it haha.

Anywho, dunno why I posted this I'm just excited is all :p, been out of work for months now, not been a pleasant experience heh. Only thing is, means I can't snoop around the forums all day haha.
Cheers Guys :D

Good luck mate! Bar work is hard, but good for picking women up I found...

That's kind of my hope :p lol. But yeah, I know it's hard, and that's what I love about it, after working in an office for over a year under pressure regarding deadlines, I hated that, I prefer the sort of pressure you get in a busy bar :D.
Well, interesting day haha. We just got given manuals and filled in forms etc. Didn't actually do any bar work because the bar I'll be working in isn't open yet, the building is behind schedule, won't be ready for us for another 5 days or so, so until then, I've got learn the company's *standards* etc, along with cocktail names & ingredients.. fun times :p lol.

welldone but dont forget your main goal, soldier;)

Ah don't need to worry about that lol.
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