New Laptop - Under £420

25 Jun 2007
Surrey - Croydon
Hi All

i am about to send back my laptop from ******** that cost £420 pounds because it kepts freezing and i have sent it back 3 times in total now and i am sick of it.

so now i am looking for a new laptop at the same price and what can do about the same thing.

the laptop i had had a:

t5550 Processor
9300M GS gfx card
2gb ddr2 ram

these are the main factors i am looking for in a new laptop but i just cant seem to find one similar that includes the same sort of specs - any help would be great- thanks
That's a great price for that laptop Nightst@lk3r, did you get it online? can't see it anywhere near that cheap for the good R60 that you have

Well the truth is, my aunt bought it a few weeks ago i cant remember what she paid, but it was around £400 i think, but she never used it, so sold it to me for £300, but still for the spec and quality of it i would have easily paid £400 for it.
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