New lens..Sigma 17-70

19 Oct 2003
Right here, right now!
Hi guys

I picked up my new lens at the weekend (haven't really had much of a play yet :( )

Here are a few samples... All images have had levels done and no sharpening at all.

any comments appreciated as always

1 Here's one of my cat chillin' in the heat


2 Yet another of my cat



4 A 100% crop of the image above

The 17-70 looks ot be a super walkaround lens and a lot cheaper than the Canon 17-85. Let us know how you get on with it as you get moreused to it. First shots look very good.
will do. So far I'm noticing thats its focus's real fast and quiet.

Am out and about today so will try to have more of a play
the first two seem pretty sharp and the 2nd two pretty soft
have a 17-35mm sigma that I'm playing with myself, must admit the extra length as a decent walk about would be handy
I am looking to get the 17-70 aswell. Mainly for portrait use. Could you upload some more pictures so I could have a look at the quality a bit more?

Edit,... it was actually the SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG MACRO i was looking at,... sorry.
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Ok , here are some more images from the 17-70 from Hyde Hall today ( a RHS Garden in near me)

Critique is most welcome as always

I must admit... I did really struggle with the sun today! It was sooo bright! what settings do you guys use in this searing sun?






I got this lens with my 30D and I am finding it to be a great alternative to the kit lens. I really need to post a few pictures when I get time (sorry). It is certainly good for botanical subjects (especially macro shots) and wide open is nice too. A good buy I'd say.
-=BAF=-AXE said:
pics look great

nice and sharp, was it expensive ?


ive found it for £240 personally mate.

Im quite tempted to get this lens to replace my kit lens instead of the canon one now. Its a hell of lot cheaper than the 17-85 and looks like a great lens.
brocksta said:
ive found it for £240 personally mate.

Im quite tempted to get this lens to replace my kit lens instead of the canon one now. Its a hell of lot cheaper than the 17-85 and looks like a great lens.

238 here... am really pleased with it.I got it to replace my kit lens. It focus's quick and seems well put together
Samurai Jack said:
I got this lens with my 30D and I am finding it to be a great alternative to the kit lens. I really need to post a few pictures when I get time (sorry). It is certainly good for botanical subjects (especially macro shots) and wide open is nice too. A good buy I'd say.

I'd be interested to see your images when you put them up to compare.

before I start, please remember im a total newbie, if I ask / say anything silly.

xcellent pictures, I hope I can eventually get some that clear, im sure it will take me a lot of practice though.

just wanted to ask, did you only use the the 17-70 lens for the close up shots?

reason I ask is that we have just ordered our minolta dynax 7d body (should arrive ina few days) and I am now looking at what lens I need.

I would say one that will focus at the flowers kind of size would be perfect.

any ideas what I woudl need for that please.
Bolerus said:

before I start, please remember im a total newbie, if I ask / say anything silly.

xcellent pictures, I hope I can eventually get some that clear, im sure it will take me a lot of practice though.

just wanted to ask, did you only use the the 17-70 lens for the close up shots?

reason I ask is that we have just ordered our minolta dynax 7d body (should arrive ina few days) and I am now looking at what lens I need.

I would say one that will focus at the flowers kind of size would be perfect.

any ideas what I woudl need for that please.

all piccies where takien with the 17-70

Regarding lenses for you new cam It really depends on what exactly you want to shoot.

The 17-70 is not a true macro lens but it does have the capability for macro although it is rather good at it
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