New Lights

18 Oct 2002
Castle Anthrax
Just fitted some new Raybrig lights to the MR2. Looking forward to going and trying them out later to see how much better they are (can't be any worse than the stock ones!)

Yeah I've got Osram Silverstars in there although they didn't seem to make much difference when I fitted them to the stock lights. On full beam the old lights were fine but dipped beams on a quiet dual carriageway was pretty scary!
SKILL said:
Looks very nice :)

Any chance of a link of where you got them from, the headlights on my mk1 are pretty much useless on dipped beam :eek: :p

EDIT: Saitrix just linked me to them on the mr2mk1 club :)

Yeah I got mine from TCB. £105 including VAT and postage. They also came with some raybrig branded bulbs installed but I've taken them out for now.
eidolon said:
They look much better but I'm afraid that I don't see the point. When it's daytime your lights will be flipped down and when it's night time you can't see the lense pattern anyway :confused:

They were bought purely for improved lighting. I'm not the kind of person who fits things like this for styling reasons.
Just been for a quick run. They definately give off a much better light but the low beam range is still pretty poor. I think they might be adjusted too far downwards atm so I'll have to have a bit of a play.

There's a very defined 'edge' to the top of the light pattern so once adjusted properly I can't see how these will blind anyone.
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