new macbook

11 Jan 2005
well im quite impressed. The gf and I just went and got her a spanky new macbook (2.0ghz) and after settings it up I've got to say I wouldn't mind getting one :p

Got HE, applecare and a printer/scanner doohicky for free so not too bad.

Any tips/apps that will make mac life easier for my gf? She's never touched a mac before so is a bit confused by it, we found which had some good info on.

Things I love:
touchpad is immense. 4 finger exposé and 2 finger scrolling is awesome.
cmd ctrl and d over a word is damn handy!
screen is pretty nice.
Aluminium body is sleek, I like :)
aye I understand a few things as my flatmate has a mac.

The gf has seemed to pick up on things quite quickly though!
seemed to completly understand the dmg concept of installing when I told her, I don't think she'll have too much problems with the conversion :)
The touchpad is amazing isnt it, to me its a massive step forward in laptops.

The touchpad on the new Macbook is the only one that could make me move from the trackpoint on my 3 year old Thinkpad.

When I first saw the announcement about multitouch I thought "Heh, how on earth could that be useful? Total gimmick." but when you actually use it, it's the best thing ever.
only annoying part is defult having to push down click on the touchpad. But in the settings you can set it to tap. Much more normal imo!
That's one of the great things that i have noticed on my new macbook pro. The touchpad is something else. It's slick! I don't like the clicking but the multi touch and overall feel of it is excellent!
What free stuff were you offered? I'll hopefully be buying a 2.4Ghz Macbook at the start of the new year :)
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