New Macro Lens. Canon 180mmL

4 Jan 2004
Well guys I have just opened the box of my new Canon 180mm f/3.5L Macro..

Looking to get a few bugs or anything that would sit still long enough this is the best of around 20 shots I have just taken 10 minutes ago...:)

Any comments welcome. :p

Then what is 1.1 magnification and what isnt mate.. :confused:

The picture has been cropped slightly but is what you are saying is......

If the shot is taken and posted full frame without cropping, That means 1.1

Not being funny mate, I am confused by this subject. :(
Well to be honest the camera was on the tripod and I was manually focusing, I actually got too close and the lens wouldnt focus so I had to pull back the tripod a little..... so it real mans terms I was focusing as close as the lens would let me.. :p

Any nearer.. :D
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