new macro....... not impressed

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18 Feb 2009
got my new macpro today from the trafford centre


Two 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
12GB (6x2GB
4x1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s
ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB
Two 18x SuperDrives
AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi Card with 802.11n

cost me £5,899.03 wow not cheap

sold my 3ghz quad mac for £2000 so it cost me £2,899 really
it looks the same, its abit different inside memory processor layout

it does not seam to be quicker, or its just the things iam doing no point posting pictures it looks the same as my other mac and its in the same place in my house

so so far iam dissapointed and £3000 out of pocket

its funny in manchester my partner said there a really nice jacob and co watch in the jewellers in the trafford centre and it was £3000 and i said no i want me macpro wished i got the watch now, even thou i got a jacob but you can never have to many watches, abit like apples

i hope the best from my mac is to come

but on another note i got a macbook pro 2.40ghz needed a battery they cost £100 standard battery, and £145 extended.......... not cheap for a battery

apples are expensive.................. but look

but going back trafford centre today, ** battery wont charge

and to buy the
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jacob and co watch

I'll keep objective but everyone's tastes are their own. Suffice to say their reputation is not a good one- you can confirm that with Rotters.

As for the Mac Pro - that's a shame :( I suspect that the software you have may not provide support for that many cores - also I think Leopard is creaking at the seams with 8 cores.
What kind of thing are you using it for? Did you find the older 'Pro wasn't fast enough or was it more of a *have to have the latest/highest spec* kind of a purchase?

Unless you're doing some serious Final Cut/Logic work that spec seems a bit overkill.
It's a shame you're disappointed but it could have been predicted unless you were really pushing the old 'Pro to it's limits.

What a load of rubbish. Apple won't build a machine to that spec on the spot, in fact I don't believe the 4870 is even available yet. The online store quotes three weeks delivery time for that card.

Nobody but an idiot would buy 4 x 1Tb drives from Apple because they're charging £240 each for them.

Apart from that, you've mentioned a couple of times in other threads about your Mac Pro, but have managed to avoid posting pictures of it, I also think that if you had it then it would be mentioned in your sig as you seem quite proud of your PC.

So I think you're talking crap.

Post pictures of this beast along with proof that they're your pictures and I'll apologise humbly, but I don't believe a word you've said.
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What a load of rubbish. Apple won't build a machine to that spec on the spot, in fact I don't believe the 4870 is even available yet. The online store quotes three weeks delivery time for that card.

Nobody but an idiot would buy 4 x 1Tb drives from Apple because they're charging £240 each for them.

Apart from that, you've mentioned a couple of times in other threads about your Mac Pro, but have managed to avoid posting pictures of it, I also think that if you had it then it would be mentioned in your sig as you seem quite proud of your PC.

So I think you're talking crap.

Post pictures of this beast along with proof that they're your pictures and I'll apologise humbly, but I don't believe a word you've said.

^ That but its the 2gb Ram sticks that add 3 weeks to the config time! The 4870 is available in config (6 working days)

That spec you've listed is BTO and I was in an Apple store on thursday looking at my options :)

But then again apple store reps could be wrong...

PS: Loaf of bread and pic required.
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if you had that kind of money to drain on a mac pro why has your windows machine only got a 920 in it?

For a real answer as above unless your using the right software to utilise all the cores then there will be no speed difference in general app's.

What have you tested with so far?
cost me £5,899.03 wow not cheap

sold my 3ghz quad mac for £2000 so it cost me £2,899 really
it looks the same, its abit different inside memory processor layout

so so far iam dissapointed and £3000 out of pocket

You might want to get your calculator out again mate.
I believe you can order BTO machines from Apple stores and pick them up. But the lead time is 3 weeks for that kind of configuration and the new Mac Pro wasn't announced 3 weeks ago, so it's a moot point. :)
What a load of rubbish. Apple won't build a machine to that spec on the spot, in fact I don't believe the 4870 is even available yet. The online store quotes three weeks delivery time for that card.
That's true. And there isn't even a driver for the graphics card in Mac OS yet. It requires OS X 10.5.7. So even if the card would be available, you would have a Mac Pro running at 800x600 without 3D capabilities until 10.5.7 would be out, or install a beta version. That's not really Apple-quality.

But before you're going to replace an expensive computer, it's best to try the performance at an Apple reseller. I'm only going to buy the 4870 as an upgrade. But for now, there won't be a single program that has performance issues with the dual Xeon config of the 2008 Mac Pro :D
It's all lies. What's the point?

Just like the time you thought EDGE was the same speed as 3G.

Thanks for the laugh though :)
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