New Marilyn Manson song...

Ooh, that was a disappointment :(

I know he likes to reinvent frequently, and all credit to him for that, but it's very much removed from the bombastic, bouncy glitterstompf of The Golden Age Of Grotesque.

Still, one track does not make an album, so fingers crossed...
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I still love the trilogy.

He was a better artist when John 5 and Geordie were in the band.

But yeah, this is very disappointing.

As soon as i heard this song earlier today i thought it sounded like something from the kaiser chiefs. I'm not a fan of manson really but this is dyer

Edit - if this is the new one they played on Radio1 this afternoon which it doesnt sound like :confused:
As its already been said the glory days are never going to be re-created. I've seen the band in every form its been in, the best lineup was the one with John5 and Twiggy without a doubt.

If the album is as funky as Mechanical Animals or as atmospheric as Holywood i'll be happy.

Edit - Just finished listening to it, its actually not bad, atmospheric which is a good thing, I just hope the whole album changes up and down in pace.
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