New MBP 13" battery and the old MB

24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Hey all, question.

Is it possible to take one of the new Lithium-Polymer batteries from the new Aluminium Macbook Pro 13" or 15" and transplant it into an older 13" Aluminium Macbook?

It's the same spec except the CPU, I even think it's the same size.

Just wondered if it's possible.

I've been thinking about this too on my recently purchased late 2008 macbook.
That's the thing. I wasn't sure if they're unremovable as in "Apple would prefer it if you didn't do that" or as in "it's really fixed in there". ;)
From the pics in there its fixed and unless your an electrical engineer and very lucky i'd leave the idea... not mention where and how are you going to get one of the replacement batteries, apple only so far unless ifixit has one but even then I doubt that!
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