28 Aug 2012
hiya guys my names glyn and im joining ocuk shortly as a system builder / technician. i just thought i would be nice to introduce myself to all the guys at ocuk on the forum and all of the fantastic customers that shop there.

////a bit about me////

i grew up in talke not far from ocuk hq - i started my tech life very young as my grandad was a computer engineer. he would build pcbs with me and we would take on different projects creating things from scratch. he taught me computing on the spectrum (which we would take apart and rebuild) and later the amiga 600 and 1200 - this was my first taste of a windows like os. i continued building projects through out primary school and when i reached high school i was fairly proficient in computing and electronics. i never liked i.t lessons as they were very boring and i wanted to build computers not 'play' with excel - so i did. i borrowed lots of books and commenced building. i built my 1st computer at 13.

fast forward to present day - i have built and repaired many computers for friends, colleagues and family. i even started to charge for my custom computers. recently i built a purple computer with all purple braiding, fans, lighting - it looked absolutly stunning - ok the specs were very modest as she only had a £400 budget. that needed to include the screen, mouse and keyboard but neverless the girl i built it for was blown away.

i think of a computer as art - a masterpeice. it should be looked at - gone are the days of the stupid square box. today we embrace visual aesthetics as much as performance. i like things to be organised and neat - this shows in my builds - i dont like wires everywhere as it ruins the whole look of a computer. why have lots of fancy hardware if its covered with cables.

//// home life /////
i now live in sandbach with my beautiful girlfriend of 8 years and my son noah - hes 8 months old now. i have a house full of computers, tech and kayaking gear. i love cooking and i was more than likely a dinosaur in a previous life as i love meat.

i love kayaking so set up to raise money for different charitys. i have 2 main sponsors currently - fatyak - a british company that manufactures kayaks and snowlizard - an american company that supplys our waterproof iphone cases. these have batterys built in and solar panels to charge the phones while we are on the water.

i will be returning to retake my position as an explorer leader at alsager scouts very soon. i was never a scout as a child but i love the outdoors - i get todo lots of free fun stuff and get qualified at the same time.

thanks for reading guys and hope to meet some of you very soon
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Sorry about the caps guys. Didn't mean to annoy anyone. In the future I will ensure caps is off. I will take note of a few of your comments! No caps, New signature - this was just a temp.... Hope I haven't given a bad impression as by the sound of things I think i have... :(
Working for a OCUK is an honour - im just a little excited to be changing careers after spending 7 years doing something I didnt enjoy.

Again - sorry for the caps
I will do a proper signature on photoshop ASAP.

I never even realised I had caps on. I was trying to write my introduction while looking after my son - he's was screaming and going nuts so i never even thought about it... I just hope the rest of the forum users understand it was an honest mistake - some of the comments were a little harsh
Hi boonmonkey - I worked in retail operations for waitrose / John Lewis and dealt with legalitys in branch. Prior to that I was a third hand (like a team leader) until the position was scrapped. I have always wanted to work in the I.t industry and this is more than a perfect job for me. I love building computers!!! OCUK is like my idea of a computery heaven lol...
I have always built at home or at a 'customers' house as I did sell my skills in my spare time. I would say i need a crash course in overclocking and watercooling as my skills are low in these areas - Im a member of custompc so I have read about watercooling but never actually built a system using the tech
Lawyer lol - I wish! I ensured the branch complied with all legalitys - such as ticketing, pricing, pos materials and many other things were correct and being adhered to. On the surface maybe an od move but I have been building computers a lot longer than working in the retail industry. I have always thought I wanted to mix my hobby with my job. I saw the position of system builder and knew it was a calling...
Boonmonkey - just keep looking and you will find the perfect job! It's taken me years to find this. Look on groupon as there are always I.t Courses massively reduced... Have you looked at any comptia A+ books?
Uni sounds like a good option especially if you want good money. Defiantly check out the comptia course material. I'm going to undertake a few microsoft courses I think....
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