New member

24 Apr 2006

I have just joined this forum because I am thinking of buying a Titan Vantage (3200 or 3500) prebuilt and was looking for feedback (good and bad) from other members who may have done the same.

Many thanks

seeing as you joined the forums, maybe you should try and build your own system from scratch?

everyone here will be glad to answer any questions you may have in doing so :)
My Bro bought a 3200. Theres nothing much to say about it, its pretty good, case is a bit plasticy compared to some, its silent enough.

Only problem was they sent him the standard Titan and not the better Vantage, he would never have known if I hadn't told him, so make sure you check all the components are the ones advertised.
Hello and welcome to the forums. As suggeste3d by cleanbluesky, you really should make a thread to announce your n00bishessness properly. To General Discussion with you!
cleanbluesky said:

I'm afraid its traditional to post here first, see you in there...

To hell with tradition!

To be fair he was asking a question about a computer which would have been misplaced in GD...

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gr1mey said:
seeing as you joined the forums, maybe you should try and build your own system from scratch?

everyone here will be glad to answer any questions you may have in doing so :)

Actually I built 2 systems some years ago but not kept up to date with recent developments I dont have time to do the research right now and just want a good system I can rely to get me started and to which I can develop

Hi mate and Welcome.
The research is done for you here mate and many times before.
Just name the cash you have to spend and a spec list will be knocked up in no time by one of the members.
Then it's order and wait for the parcel force van. In the mean time you read a few threads on the future build and post in here.
Next day delivery, built and fired up before you know it. :cool:

Whilst settling yourself in try to ignore the odd comments we get those here as well as the helpful ones. ;)

Most of all enjoy your stay.
malc30 said:
Hi mate and Welcome.
The research is done for you here mate and many times before.
Just name the cash you have to spend and a spec list will be knocked up in no time by one of the members.
Then it's order and wait for the parcel force van. In the mean time you read a few threads on the future build and post in here.
Next day delivery, built and fired up before you know it. :cool:

Whilst settling yourself in try to ignore the odd comments we get those here as well as the helpful ones. ;)

Most of all enjoy your stay.


I might reconsider my decision and build it myself after all

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