New memory for Max Gaming ?

11 Mar 2006
Hi ,
check my spec in my sig.
I have corsair 2x512mb cas2.5 pc3200 416mhz ram.

Sometimes when i play Doom3 it kind of 'Jerks' through doors and when saving the game etc, i think it is because the lack of RAM or Quality of RAM.

Can someone point me to some really good quality ram that will play games easily, i looked at the 2x1gb corsair XMS3500 CAS2, would this be good ?

If i do get new RAM , i will obviously be getting rid of my old 2x512mb RAM.

Thanks :)
Thanks mate :)

With the top one, would i be able to overclock it a little to try and catch up with the pc4000 speeds but keep the very low timings if cas2 ?
Thanks :)
I strongly doubt the top kit will reach anywhere near PC4000 speed, but it will probably be ok for a mild overclock.

Don't worry about not running 1:1, just save your money and get the PC3200 kit. It's been proven that using a divider is not detrimental to A64s. :)

What have these tests proven? They've proven that overclocking your K8 system while using a memory divider to keep that cheaper DDR RAM within spec is nothing to be ashamed of. We saw quite healthy gains in all departments, including memory bandwidth, merely by raising the CPU clock even though we kept the memory at ~200 MHz at all times. I repeat: You are not a weenie if you use a memory divider. :-)
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