New Mobo = Reinstall?

2 Nov 2006
Kent, UK
I bought a new mobo and Duo Core 2 CPU the other day and, obviously,want to install them into my old case.

Do I have to reinstall Windows XP or can I just install the mobo and CPU and add the new chipset drivers?

Otherwise it means reinstalling everything...
Nonsense - you do not need a fresh install. However a little preparation will ensure that it boots up - even if you radically change architectures.


The guide tells you how to remove the specific drivers and replace with the generic which will boot up with any board.

Simply Follow the guide, then switch hardware. Then install the new drivers.
Well thanks chaps, I uninstalled all the chipset and IDE drivers, plonked the new mobo in and it worked like a charm. I now have a brand newish machine going from an AMD 64 3000 (socket 754) to a Core 2 Duo 2.13. Touchwood everything seems to be rocking and rolling.

Many thanks!
Even if you leave the chipset drivers, it will generally work, the only 'vital' driver to remove is the IDE driver. XP contains a bit of 'security' code that actually prevents the system booting, if it detects the wrong IDE controller. But if you use the 'generic' IDE driver then it works fine.

Of course if your using a RAID, or running SATA in native mode rather than IDE compatible and therefor unable to use the IDE driver, then a reinstall is pretty much unavoidable.

A nice finishing touch, boot into safe mode, because safemode shows all the 'hidden' disabled, and incompatible device drivers. So you can really clean the old chipset drivers and anything else which is no longer needed from your system.
I think you'll find that unless your license is a retail one, you are not allowed to change the motherboard under the EULA ;) If your license is an OEM one then with a motherboard change you must also purchase a new OS license.
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