New monitor for 1070?

1 Oct 2011
Hi guys.

Going to be upgrading to a GTX G1 Gaming 1070 soon and figured I'd get something better than a 1080p 60Hz monitor as I'd be wasting the potential of my card (I think).

Can anyone recommend any monitors for 2560 x 1440 at 144Hz?

Currently the only two I've looked at properly are:

Dell S2716DG

I don't really like the Asus but the Dell looks premium and firm.

Note: I don't require G-Sync as it's just a gimmick anyway at 144Hz. No budget set, just a sensible price would be nice. Or save me money and convince me to keep a 1080p 60Hz monitor :)
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A 1070 at 1080p @ 60hz will be fine ( if you want to want to only use half the cards potential ) !

Damn. But there's no good 1440p 144Hz monitors that I can see. This Dell monitor looks good but I don't think It's £500 good. I would prefer an IPS monitor too as I'm using an IPS right now.

Any other option is an ugly overpriced Asus.

Should I just wait until there's a better option?

I'd like a 27inch max good monitor at 1440p 144hz that is worth the price.
I think you may need to wait since there aren't any 1440p 144hz ISP 27" panels AFAIK.


Looks like there are models from Acer and Asus 1440p ISP. They do seem hit and miss with back light bleed.
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Is the TN panel worth buying? Would I notice a big difference going from IPS to TN? I understand one main thing is the viewing angle - I don't care much about that. The only time I might be looking at the monitor from a bit of an angle is when I turn it to face the bed when I watch movies.

If I ignore IPS - are there good choices for 1440p 144hz TN 27" for their price? I've checked some spike on the Dell monitors on one website where it sometimes goes down to £360 or so - I might pick it up for that price but not £500. I don't need G-Sync as I stated but having Freesync on there is a waste so I'd rather have G-Sync or nothing at all.
I am running a 1070 with a Dell S2716DG. Very happy with the monitor once I used the calibrated settings from tftcental

I paid 350 for a 2month old one, they were available new for around 300 at one point which is a bit annoying.

In Battlefield 1 I get 50-60 FPS with all settings maxed and 1440p.

What monitor did you come from if I may ask? And where was it for 300 new? I'm sure OC won't mind me asking since they don't sell this monitor.
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I don't need G-Sync as I stated but having Freesync on there is a waste so I'd rather have G-Sync or nothing at all.

I think you're confusing something. G-Sync is the one which has the price premium (£100-200). FreeSync, on the other hand, like the name suggests, is practically a free add-on. There is no reason to NOT purchase one. You'd only be limiting your choices. Even with an nVidia card, it will still work as an otherwise regular monitor, just without the FreeSync.

On the contrary, it's the AMD GPU users who shouldn't purchase a G-Sync monitor, as they are effectively paying a premium for the G-Sync, which would be going to waste.

Furthermore, considering that the FreeSync will most probably (/most definitely, IMO) win the standard war, nVidia will eventually just have to suck it up and at least start supporting Adaptive-Sync (which FreeSync is based on). They have themselves already hinted of this possibility. Even Intel has already officially stated its support for Adaptive-Sync.

So, in case you want to accept FreeSync variants, as well, then here is one contender for your spec requirements: Acer XF270HUA. At bare minimum, you can compare how much you're being ripped off with the G-Sync.
(2560x1440, 144Hz, IPS, 27", FreeSync, 2016)
I think you're confusing something. G-Sync is the one which has the price premium (£100-200). FreeSync, on the other hand, like the name suggests, is practically a free add-on. There is no reason to NOT purchase one. You'd only be limiting your choices. Even with an nVidia card, it will still work as an otherwise regular monitor, just without the FreeSync.

On the contrary, it's the AMD GPU users who shouldn't purchase a G-Sync monitor, as they are effectively paying a premium for the G-Sync, which would be going to waste.

Furthermore, considering that the FreeSync will most probably (/most definitely, IMO) win the standard war, nVidia will eventually just have to suck it up and at least start supporting Adaptive-Sync (which FreeSync is based on). They have themselves already hinted of this possibility. Even Intel has already officially stated its support for Adaptive-Sync.

So, in case you want to accept FreeSync variants, as well, then here is one contender for your spec requirements: Acer XF270HUA. At bare minimum, you can compare how much you're being ripped off with the G-Sync.
(2560x1440, 144Hz, IPS, 27", FreeSync, 2016)

The price tag is practically the same (although this is an IPS not TN panel). I didn't want FreeSync as I thought they're more expensive monitors for a feature which Nvidia does not support. I'm thinking It's best to wait for new models to come out or to pick up the Dell for £300 when I find it at that price. The monitor you specced does not exist in UK markets unless you mean Acer XF270HU (without the A)
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HU is the 2015 model, HUA is the 2016 model, released in October/November, I think. So indeed, the UK availability is still low. OcUK doesn't even have them on pre-order, yet.

Also, not sure how much of a difference there is between the two, but I'd prefer a newer revision, naturally.

In any case, the CES 2017 is coming up next week, so you should definitely wait for that, too.
I am running a 1070 with a Dell S2716DG. Very happy with the monitor once I used the calibrated settings from tftcental

I paid 350 for a 2month old one, they were available new for around 300 at one point which is a bit annoying.

In Battlefield 1 I get 50-60 FPS with all settings maxed and 1440p.

Also interested to know where you found this for those prices? I can't find one less than £500!
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