New MP3 player means new earphones

24 Jun 2004
I am the proud owner of a Sony A3000. Im not here to talk about the Connect software (works fine as far as im concerned) but what im after is what is the best earbud earphones you can get? I have tried the Sony Ex 71's and now currently using JVC FX55's.

Are there any earphones that will give me better sound than I currently have?
You need to give some indication of how much you're willing to spend, and what type (i.e. normal earbuds, IEMs like the Shures, headphones, etc) you want/don't want, before anyone can give you useful advice.
I would say upto around £60, as I do use my MP3 every day of the week for several hours each day, so I see decent quality earphones as a must really, unless I need to spend more than that to get the best?
Anything better than these, if at all possible? I want to see the most top-of-the-range earphones that I could have, if it was "money no object"
Looks like its all the cheap ones from Argos, then any more expensive ones its Shure all the way, is that right?

Has anyone tried there range?

I have seen the ones from E2C - E5c, not sure the best price/performance earphones to go for?
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If its in-ears I can't recommend the E3c's highly enough but if you like bass heavy music then they probably wouldn't be your kind of thing...especially having used the bloody awful (bass heavy) EX71s previously.

For proper headphones that are cheap and portable I'd go for the Koss Porta Pros, they are excellent in all departments for them for around £30 too! Only problem is that they aren't great for isolating sounds ie on the bus or walking in town etc.

The best headphones you can get are above your price range I think; the E5c's, and equivalent Etymotic phones go over £250 or so I think. I personally could not justify that cost, people laugh bad enough when I tell them the cost of the E3cs!

Anyway "best" is subjective. For you I'd say get the E2c and see how you get on with them and then go from there.
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A cheaper, but by no mean inferior alternative to the Shure E5 is the Westone UM2. Same driver, some find the shape more confortable than the E5. The sound is a little different, but since they use the same drivers, I am inclined to say that neither has absolute sonic advantage over the other. Since I couldn't try both, I voted with my wallet and went UM2.

But to be perfectly honest, I use my £20 KSC-75 more often.
I've got E3Cs and they are fantastic.

The only downside is that you notice compression artifacts (as well as the occaisional production error) much more.
danceMB said:
Do you think the E3c's are worth £110? Thats the cheapest price I have managed to find them at.
I'm not sure why people recommend the e3c's so much when the e4c's can be had for £120!

Im hearing good & bad things about these Shure earphones.

Some say good, some say bad, but all have a harmonious voice when they say how bad the bass is, basically there isnt much of a bass at all.

If I said I was prepared to spend upto £100, would that get me much, or do I need to spend upto £150??
The bass on the e2c's is really bad, the bass on the e3c's is somewhat lacking, on the e4c's is pretty great.

So is it that the Shure E4C's are "The best a man can get" :p

Maybe nothing else can beat them, as im an amateur when it comes to earphones I wouldnt know either way.
At that price point IMHO they're the best. They are in no way the best headphones money can buy though. The Ultimate Ears UE-10 are hard to beat - as is their price!

Do you really need this sort of quality when out and about? You could get some decent earbuds and then some proper headphones for in the house.
fini said:
The bass on the e2c's is really bad, the bass on the e3c's is somewhat lacking, on the e4c's is pretty great.


My E2C bass is great. It is more the mid to high end that are not 100%. Being a house music fan this does not bother me too much.

Great pair of in ear head phones for the money. Much better than my old Sony Ex71's.
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