New N70 firmware



24 Oct 2002
I now have the N70 version 5 firmware and I thought I'd let everyone know that it's a big improvement. The most noticeable being the speed the menu loads. When I had the version 2 firmware I would have to wait ~5 seconds for the menu to load but now it's instant.
Dolph said:
To those earlier in the thread, it's also worth noting that the main reason people notice their phone speeding up after a firmware update is nothing to do with the firmware, and everything to do with formatting and defragmentation of the file system as part of the update. You can just format the phone to get those gains.

It's rather akin to formatting your C drive and installing a fresh copy of windows, then installing a new update and claiming it's magically become faster than the 2 year old install you had previously.

I formatted my phone and restored factory settings many times before updating the firmware and it never made as much difference as the new firmware has made.

Obviously what you have said is partly true as formatting the phone will make it run faster, but this new firmware seems to take it a step further and it improves the phone more than just formatting will do.
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