New NAS - My Synology 216play has died

15 Jul 2008
So my synology has finally died, it was a 216play and probably 7 years old.

I need a new one, at least dual bay and can set up the drive on "my computer" to easily allow me to drag and drop files.
It would be nice to have a HDMI and ability to stream 4k.
I would like cheaper if possible as not amused my 216play has stopped working and Im sure if a cheap one does fail in 7 years then tech will have improved anyway.

Any brands that fit my needs?
If asking for 4k the thing that really bumps the price?
I tend to ripped DVDs onto it so nice to have 4k ability

It powers up but wont reset or connect to anything. Even direct LAN to PC. Green lights flashing away. Disk 1 and 2 lights solid green. Status and LAN flashing green.
Tried new drive that are blank in it. Synology assistant cant fine it
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Wow Thank you Chris for persevering. Its been dead for a few weeks and I messed around for a few hours and had given up. New weekend and so if I plug into PC directly on LAN it finds it. Put in switch and it doesnt. Switch is fine as everything else on switch fine and moved the leads around (unmanaged switch).
It does seem to have a new IP when plugging directly into PC.
If I put LAN into switch synology assistant cant find it tho, whats next step?
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