New NAS or new drives?

22 Oct 2018
I have a two bay NAS, and the idea was to just fill it with older used drives from my PC’s. I was going to upgrade the NAS to a four bay, but I discovered that the drives in the PC’s are mostly SMR, which I gather are not great for a NAS. So now my question is, do I continue with my plan to get a four bay NAS or do I just stick with the 2 bay and get two large NAS specific drives ~ which cost about the same as buying a new four bay NAS?
I have a two bay NAS, and the idea was to just fill it with older used drives from my PC’s. I was going to upgrade the NAS to a four bay, but I discovered that the drives in the PC’s are mostly SMR, which I gather are not great for a NAS. So now my question is, do I continue with my plan to get a four bay NAS or do I just stick with the 2 bay and get two large NAS specific drives ~ which cost about the same as buying a new four bay NAS?

NAS devices built within the last few years are not as good as those build in the past the backplane issues are all over the show. Once the backplane goes and its out of warranty its near impossible to get a replacement.

Would recommend you plan for a 4 bay nas and continue using your current drives and slowly overtime upgrade hard disks. at the end you should be left iwth a choice of NAS or hard disks.

You will always get some sucker buying an old nas
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