New OcUK design (WIP)

16 Aug 2009
Luton, England
As I'm still very noob to HTML and CSS I'm taking random sites and redesigning them for fun, my first was my employers site, this time it's one closer to home for a lot of us, OcUK!

I'm not quite finished, however I thought I'd post it and hopefully get some feedback so far.

Just a note it won't look correct in IE under IE10 (Due to flexbox), and yes it's responsive.

Anyway, critique away:
Cheers mate. Indeed, been doing it for 2-ish months now, and still a lot to learn! Just gave it an update with a few tweaks, like making the basket more obvious and getting rid of the horrid tabs.

I thought about having them underneath, but across all screen sizes I thought my implementation may be easier, I hated the lists of items that the current site has, so tried to make it more visual instead, will have to see if there's a way I can make it better.
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