New OCUK Favicon! (?)

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
We all know the OCUK favicons, especially the forum one up there ^ are a little dated to say the least. There has been countless threads and polls about it but no one ever took it seriously... So I present to you my vision of the new OCUK favicon...



Install it how you like:
* For Firefox and stylish get the userstyle here.
* If you're using Chrome then get the userscript here. (Since Chrome updated you will need Tampermonkey)
* Source files: PNG/ICO

Of course if you've got something better then have at you OCUKers!

*Looks best with the Dark Theme.
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Fair enough, not that it bothers me as I've now associated the vb icon with OcUK :o
PITA if you go to any other forums that use the same icon.

i never understood why people care so much. Who honestly sits at their screen staring at favicons?
Anyone who uses tabs? Many people navigate purely by favicons as it is faster and easier for some.

"This style is not available for Stylish for Chrome." :(
Not sure if I can do a chrome one, will have a look.
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