New OCZ Modules

I tried googling but no joy as yet. OcUk haven't replied to my enquiry either. I assume that if I wait a week or so then they will start to pop up then :)

Can you post to say how you get on with the RAM? Also I realize that you cant say how much you paid for it, but can you let me know where it's positioned in the market roughly (ie is it going to be on a par with Mushkin redline price wise etc).

st@nners said:
Greyhound, on another note, hows your Opteron 165 doing?

You had chance to have a play with it, to see what she can do?

Just curious as i have one with the exact same stepping as yours..


I have no idea yet mate! I've been having lots of problems getting it all set up (finally solved by the realization that my board seemed to be undervolting VDIMM) and now am having problems with my Cubase installation, so to be honest I haven't cranked it up yet. I've got a whole day to play tomorrow though, so I'll let you know!

How's yours doing?
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