New Order Ending...

26 Jan 2005
I'm guessing that people who loved New Order may obviously know by now, that the band have decided to end their career.

This brings immense sadness to my heart personally, as more than anything, i loved to hear Joy Division songs played by the (majority) of themselves. So to hear that New Order has come to an end, means that i cant ever hear Isolation, Love Will Tear Us Apart, in ANY FORM. That makes me incredibly sad, as i personally, feel these are some of the best songs in existance, and i literally feel like i will shed tears in their passing. I am IMMENSLY saddened by this, as im guessing others may be. RIP New Order and of course, Joy Division. I loved you both, more than words can say. :(
Gotta stand by you on this one mate.

New Order: Introduced to me by a gentleman called Phil White in the summer of 87 when I was setting up the computers at UMIST. Went to a little shopping centre and splashed out £16.99 on Substance (after Phils Recommendations) and never looked back.

STILL got that double CD, it STILL get's played more often that any other CD and the group as a whole, music, attitude, looks, believes I still think are fantastic (even though they are from Lancashire and I'm a Yorkshireman! :p)

Brilliant group, Warsaw -> Joy Division -> New Order, they've a distinct sound and they'll be missed by me.

If you're ever down near Swansea Blokey, gimme a ring and we'll go for a pint and strum on down to 1963.
I was genuinely suprised when I heard New Order had decided to call it a day. I thought their last album (Waiting for the Sirens Call) was absolutely immense.
ye is very sad news for me also ever since substance in 1987 been a big fan of them they will remain legends in my eyes :)
R.I.P New order
Thank GOD! Another band who tried to outlast their 'best before date' therefore tainting their legacy have finally split up. Lets all hold our breaths for the 'comeback' tour in 2012;)
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I'm sad to hear the news. They've had a brilliant and prosperous career together, and have produced some epic works. I'll of course still listen to them loads.
christ...they're just a band...nowt to kill yourself over.

I give it 8 months before a top-up-the-bank-balance reunion tour.

penski said:
christ...they're just a band...nowt to kill yourself over.

I give it 8 months before a top-up-the-bank-balance reunion tour.


Haha, yeah i was a little ****** at the time, cant be bothered to edit it! :D
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