New PC buyers, how much do you spend?

14 Apr 2004
Say you sell your current rig, and you're starting from scratch again . . What would be your realistic budget?

For me, my bedroom is more of a station geared towards Gaming, Music, Photoshopping and lots of Media watching.

My previous rig cost me a touch over £2.4k, which was 2 years back. Now I'll be selling this rig I'm looking to spend £1.8k at the maximum. I usually carry the concept "do it once, do it right". So whilst the components could be outdated within a couple of years the screens and so on won't be.

Are you guys the same? What do you anually spend (Or after a few years)?

Are you the type that has to stay within current tech, or are you the type that doesn't mind knocking down the AA until you can't run a game at all?
I think I've more or less doubled my budget every time I've built a new PC as my main PC which is going to become a bit worrying if I do it again. First one was £4-500, second was ~£800 and my most recent was ~£1500. That said the PCs last me on average 2-3 years so it isn't that bad and I usually slate the urge to upgrade or build by making a few machines for other people in the interim.

I don't particularly care about staying up to date with current technology because I simply don't have the money at the moment and even if I did I probably would only spend what I needed to keep my PC working for what I do, gaming, essays and films/music.

I'd probably guess that next time I build a new PC(since I rarely if ever upgrade anything other than hard disk space) I will spend somewhere around £1,000-£1,300 on a base unit and then anywhere up to maybe £500 on a good screen. That isn't likely to be for another 6 months to a year though.
yeah im the same, each time i've built another computer i've been like 'hmm the last one got outdated quickly, i'll spend EVEN MORE on this one'

but currently im just buying more and more bits for my current comp to keep it up to date as when I bought it I bought it to be future proof, I wont be swapping from skt939 to AM2 until I can see a very good reason for it, and sux, lol
I built my current system (3200 64bit, 1gb pc3200, 6800GT) in September 2004. Had to buy everything and spent almost £1,300. I've since replaced the monitor, speaker system, mouse, and other little bits, but I'll still probably spend in the upper hundreds when I come to replace this some time between August and February, at a guess.
Built this rig for around £1500 which is roughly double what I paid for my last rig 3 years ago. I doubt I will be buying a whole new system for at least 2-3 years again. I will no doubt have more money by then and would probably spend up to around 2.5k on a new machine including a new monitor.

Since getting my current rig have spent a total of £1800.

PC - £1500
Chair - £100
Logitech Z-5500s - £200

Going to be spending another 2-300 quid on a tft monitor as soon as I can afford it too :)

So basically I get EVERYTHING in one go and cry about my wallet damage while hugging my new rig lol. I dont have to have the latest and greatest constantly partly because it is futile and mostly because it would cost far too much.

I went for the best I could afford when I got my new rig, which was about a year ago (in my sig) since then tho I managed to get a 7800gtx when it was brand one around (coz my 6800gt died after 3 months)

ever since then I have been buying little thing for my comp to make it better, recently...

from >>> to

razer diamondback >>> Logitech G5
Zboard >>> Logitech G15
New mouse mat
2.1 speakers >>> 5.1
22" CRT >>> 20.1" Widescreen 102035w belinea monitor
ASUS Star Ice >>> Gigabyte G-power Cooler pro
more cold cathodes/fans/lights etc
cable wrap

the only thing I have really done to keep it up to date is buy a 2nd 7800gtx off the MM to SLI ym rig, coming next week :D woot

spend far too much on my comp, easily £200 each month, or more if I want something big like a new monitor
got paid £1300 the other moth n just came online and went..."i can buy everything....what do I of these, and one of these, and one of them"
The last time I built a PC fully as a single job, it was an XP2200, Ti4200, 512MB Corsair, and I suppose at the time, it was a bit of a monster really! - I asked the guys at OCUK whats the best bang for buck, and I was chuffed to bits... I still got that actually, although its now my daughters PC.

I am more of a do it bit by bit person to be honest... I upgrade as I feel like, and the reason being is that I have 3 of my own PCs, and also each of my family also has a PC each, and I have also converted my loft into a Lan room, so, what I do, is upgrade a part on one of my rigs, and the older part gets moved down the line, so what was my main GFX card last year, is in one of the other PCs, and that PC's old GFX Card gets moved along, and then eventually I knock up a half-decent PC and it gets flogged off to try to recover some of my money.

It happens in drips and drabs, but at least, while I dont have the top of the line kit, all my PCs are more than capable of playing all my games at 1024x768 with all the detail.... Except the wifes, but thats cos she only uses hers for DOS & Win3.11 ( She uses it to teach my daughter with spelling games etc ) but at least thats still overclocked eh!
i never spend over £400 i always buy 2nd hand and get very decent systems which can play all games Great
Usually spend around £1400 a pop on the PC + a new mouse and keyboard.

The case for the PC could cost me £300 and the monitor I usually just get a good ish one but nothing amazing, although I am looking at upgrading my 930BF now.
I like having 2 decent computers in case one dies and for other people to use so I a constantly upgrading one of them / using parts from the other etc. :p

Total cost for all my stuff I have atm:

Main computer - £580
Mice - £25
Keyboards - £35
20 inch widescreen tft - £290
27inch samsung LCD tv - £500 coming soon
Second computer - £300
Speakers - £40
Printer/scanner - £40
Router - £20

That should be good for a few years with minor upgrades such as more ram for the second comp and maybe another 7800GT for the main one.

Total cost - £1830 :eek: :D
Main computer - £400 (Net)
Mouse - £40 (Logitech G5 - Gross)
Keyboard (Got my friend to blow mine up so made him pay)
Monitor (£220 - Gross)

So: £620 (Gross)

I update my PC once a year so I get good money each year for my current one meaning, spending less overall... I hope :D
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this pc cost about £3000 ish
but next planned pc is
EP-UK Extreme cooler £1500 + airbrushed case £500
intel conroe extreme + mobo and mem soo hmm £1200 ish
Western Digital Raptor 150GB in 4x Raid 0....£760 ish
and a ATI Radeon X1900 ***Crossfire Edition*** 512MB for sli £300
and Dell Ultrasharp 2407WFP 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor £760

so £5000 looks about right
Just trying to come to terms here on why so many of you spend so much on one PC, sayign you have this or have that, and yet, how many of you have said what PSU you are using?

I cannot for the life of me work out any reason as to why any of us truly need such fast PCs?

Hey, dont get me wrong here, I have a number of PCs all are fairly nippy and well above average, and, if I only had one to worry about, it would quite probably be one of these "Beasts", but this does now answer my question? - Why?
FatRakoon said:
Just trying to come to terms here on why so many of you spend so much on one PC, sayign you have this or have that, and yet, how many of you have said what PSU you are using?


Aerocool turbine 450w in one
Seasonic S12 430w in the other

I have 2 machines because I am often encoding video and may want to play a game at the same time, both are decent specs but neither of them are amazing.
my latest PC (PC1 in my sig) cost me £620 for the lot :cool: thaught it was a bit of a bargin my self. but i have never spent more than £750 on a pc and have always managed to get top dog performance (i.e. all settings maxed out on my games)
but we do live in a crazy world........i only watch dvds on mine to

but always wanting the best is just a personal thing
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