New PC for me

23 May 2006
Hello guys, im preety new to building pc's I have done a few Intel rigs but nothing to fancy.

Anyway I have decided to build a pc in the next 2 months as im getting married soon, and dont really expect to have much money afterwards ;) My friend is going to help me with clocking it, he has a bit of expireince with it.

I will be buying my parts from here and you guys really seem to know what you are talking about, so could I get some recomendations please.

The gear I have already is 2x74 gig Raptor sata drives, 19" tft, a nice case and Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-079-CS). My budget for the rest of the gear is about £800 I would like SLI and a dual core cpu, If I really need to spend more then I will. Its main use will be for gaming, but also a bit of multitasking hence the dual core. Thanks in advance for any help :)
Thanks guys for all the quick replys, Not "needing" to go SLI will save me a few bucks thats for sure, I was under the impression it would really boost performance, and meen that in about 3 years time I will still be able to play on new games with out buying more bits.
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